After successful previous editions in Delft and Maastricht, we are happy to announce that the next Dutch-Belgian Reinforcement Learning workshop will take place on Friday November 28 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The workshop will be hosted by the Brussels AI-lab.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together the local reinforcement learning community in order to share their work and exchange ideas. We invite contributions on on all aspects of reinforcement learning, and welcome talks on novel research or applications, as well as demonstrations, work in progress, or open problems.

Registration is free and is available by completing following form before October 15:


Please also indicate if you would like to present at the workshop.


The workshop will last the whole day, and end with an informal social gathering for drinks/dinner (at your own expense). More information will follow once the programme has been finalised. Up-to-date information will be available on the workshop webpage.