The Board of the BNVKI/AIABN is seeking a candidate University to host the BNAIC 2015 conference, the 27th edition of the Benelux Artificial Intelligence Conference. After two years in The Netherlands (Delft in 2013 and Nijmegen this year) it would be nice to have a Belgian or Luxembourg university willing to organize the 2015 edition of the BNAIC, but other universities are still encouraged to apply. Preferable date for the conference is around the end of October or beginning of November 2015.

Candidate universities are cordially invited to apply via the chair of the BNVKI, Prof.dr. Ann Nowé (, preferably within a few weeks. If time allows candidates are asked to present themselves during the General Assembly meeting of the BNVKI, during the second day of BNAIC 2014 (November 7, 2014, 13.00 hr, in Delft).

For additional information on organizing BNAIC 2014 the chair or other members of the Board can be contacted.