Deadlines for submission of workshop proposals are 15 January, 15 May and 15 September.
In each evaluation round, proposals for workshops taking place within 16 months after the deadline will be evaluated.
We strongly recommend consulting Henriette Jensenius with a draft proposal or a preliminary idea at an early stage (, telephone +31 (71)527 5580).
The two Lorentz Center facilities are dedicated to workshops with different numbers of participants: The Lorentz Center@Oort for up to 55 participants and the Lorentz Center@Snellius especially for groups of 25 or less. For further information about the facilities available to the workshop see this page.
Proposals for both facilites follow the same general guidelines. The most important difference is that for the smaller workshops@Snellius it does not make much sense to develope a detailed program, but a clear description of what, why and how you plan to do it is crucial. In both cases, the commitment of the anticipated key participants is very important, and given the small numbers, especially critical for workshops@Snellius.
Proposals can be submitted by active scientist from any country.