SIKS tutorials “Information Retrieval” and “Learning and Reasoning”
From June 04-07 2013, the School for Information and Knowledge Systems
(SIKS) organizes two tutorials “Information Retrieval” (04-05 June) and
“Learning and Reasoning” (06-07 June). Both courses will be given in
English and are part of the Tutorial Program for all SIKS-PhD -students.
Although these courses are primarily intended for SIKS-PhD-students, other
participants are not excluded. However, their number of passes will be
restricted and depends on the number of SIKS-PhD -students taking the
LOCATION: Landgoed Huize Bergen, Vught
DATE: 04-07 June 2013
Dr. P. Groot (RUN), Learning and Reasoning
Dr. ir. D. Hiemstra (UT), Information Retrieval
Prof. dr. ir. W. Kraaij (RUN), Information Rtrieval
Dr. A. ten Teije (VU), Learning and Reasoning
Prof. dr. ir. Th. P. van der Weide (RUN), Information Retrieval