European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) intends to serve as a central hub for PhD students and young researchers working in all aspects of AI. The ESSAI Summer School covers one week of courses in the summer, at different sites around Europe, for both beginning and advanced students, and junior and senior researchers. ESSAI provides introductory and advanced courses in all areas of AI, emphasizing topics that allow students to gain a broad view of AI and understand connections between subdisciplines. ESSAI also offers several social activities for students and researchers alike. One of the tracks of ESSAI consists of advanced tutorials on a specific subject and corresponds to the traditional ACAI school organized by EurAI since 1989.

The 3rd European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence – ESSAI 2025, will take place June 30 to July 4, 2025 in Bratislava, Slovakia. ESSAI aims to cover all subdisciplines of AI and the interactions between them. Proposals for courses at ESSAI 2025 are invited in all areas of Artificial Intelligence, including but not limited to the following:

  • Autonomous Agents  and Multi-agent Systems (MAS)
  • Causality and Causal Learning (CL)
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of AI (ELS)
  • Foundation Models (FM)
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR)
  • Learning Theory (LT)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NSLR)
  • Planning & Strategic Reasoning (PLAN)
  • Reinforcement Learning (RL)
  • Robotics (ROB)
  • Safe, Explainable and Trustworthy AI (SET)
  • Search & Optimization (SO)
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning (ML)
  • Vision (VIS)

Each course will consist of five 90-minute lectures offered daily (Monday-Friday) in the week that the school will take place.

Course Categories

Each proposal should fall under one of the following two categories.

Introductory Courses
Introductory courses are intended to introduce a research area of AI to students, young researchers, and other non-specialists, and to foster a sound understanding of its basic methods and techniques. Such courses should enable researchers from related disciplines to develop some comfort and competence in the topic considered. Introductory courses in a cross-disciplinary area may presuppose general knowledge of the related disciplines.

Advanced Courses
Advanced courses are targeted primarily to graduate students who wish to acquire a level of comfort and understanding of current research in an area of AI. While introductory courses will typically focus on one subarea of AI only, advanced courses are encouraged to present a broader perspective on AI, and they should be of interest beyond a single specific area.

Important Dates

By December 8, 2024
Proposers must submit on Microsoft CMT the name(s) of the lecturers(s), the title of the course, the ESSAI area targeted, the course level and a short abstract.

By January 8, 2025
The submission must be completed by uploading a PDF with the full course proposal.

By January 31, 2025
Proposer(s) will be notified whether their proposal has been accepted or not.

For more information on submission and proposal guidelines, please visit