Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Professor of Computer Science
specialising in computational, user-oriented data processing and discovery
The VUB’s Artificial Intelligence Lab (ai.vub.ac.be) is seeking an energetic new member, to broaden our research into applied data science. We are looking for an excellent scientist, at any academic career stage, to set up a new research focus in this area. The full-time role is associated with a new Data Science option in our Master’s programme. We believe in equal opportunities and we particularly welcome applications from women.
You can find online information, at https://academicpositions.com/ad/vrije-universiteit-brussel/2021/professor-computer-science/155087. You can email informal enquiries to Prof. Ann Nowé, Head of the AI Lab, or any of the AI lab professors, (see https://ai.vub.ac.be)
Closing date: 09/04/2021