Talking Coach API

Below are the details of the API through which you can access different functionalities of the Talking Coach Unity3d application

1. Send Text to convert into speech

Call this function to send text and let the avatar speak the text.
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'convertToSpeach', text)
-convertToSpeach: name of the unity function
-text: the text to be send for speaking.

example: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'convertToSpeach', 'Dank u wel, maneer')

2. Stop the speech

Call this function to stop the speech and the animation of the avatar.
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'stopSpeach')
-stopSpeach: name of the unity function that will receive the API call to stop the speach.

3. Change Background

This API calls to change the background of the TalkingCoach
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'changeBackround')
-changeBackground: name of the unity function that will receive the API call to change the background.

4. Change Coach

This API calls to change the Coach of the TalkingCoach
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'changeCoach')
-changeCoach: name of the unity function that will receive the API call to change the coach.

5. Zoom in/out

Call this API to zoom in or zoom out the camera. Sending Negative value will zoom in the camera while sending positive value will zoom out. The value zero (0) will put the camera in its original position
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'zoom', zoomValue(int))
-zoom: name of the unity function that will receive the API call to change the zoom. -zoomValue: value of the zoom, an Integer value example: SendMessge('TalkingCoach', 'zoom' , 5 )

6. Move Horizontal

Call this API to move the Avatar horizontally. Send nagative Integer value to move left, postive integer value to move right and 0 to put avatar in its origianl position
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'moveAvatarHorizontal', moveValue)
-moveAvatarHorizontal: name of the unity function that will receive the API call to move avatar horizontally. -moveValue: value of the move, an Integer value example: SendMessage('TalkingCoach, 'moveAvatarHorizontal', 5);

7. Move Vertical

Call this API to move the Avatar Vertically. Send nagative Integer value to move Up, postive integer value to move down and 0 to put avatar in its origianl position
API: SendMessage('TalkingCoach', 'moveAvatarVertical', moveValue)
-moveAvatarVertical: name of the unity function that will receive the API call to move avatar vertically. -moveValue: value of the move, an Integer value example: SendMessage('TalkingCoach, 'moveAvatarVertical', 5);